Michelin’s CA Guide was released recently.
This is a perfect time to unveil the Power BI dashboard I built based on Michelin Star ratings of the 4 US Guides (New York, Chicago, Washington DC, and California):
(to see in full-page view, click the expand arrows in the bottom right-hand corner).
I don’t want to go into too much detail about the boring process of compiling and editing the data, but I’ll note a few things.The data goes back to 2006 and up through 2019. I compiled data from Wikipedia, the Michelin website, restaurant websites, Yelp, and various publications. I did a lot of manual editing and refining. I had to make choices. For instance, if a restaurant has changed addresses, I used the latest address; however, I tagged any executive chef or owner I could find who has ever been at a restaurant, not merely the latest ones. If you’d like to learn about the data set or my process, just ask.
OK, on to the good stuff!
There are 2 Pages.
Page 1
Page 1 is the restaurant select and map page. The top of the page contains a series of filters that allow you to narrow down the restaurants: U.S. Guide, Guide Year, Star Rating, Open/Closed Status, and finally, whether I’ve ever been to the restaurant:
Restaurant Select Filters
There are also two text Search & Select filter windows on the right—one for Restaurant Name and one for Chef/Owner. If you type any string of characters into one of the search bars, only the results containing that string of text will appear in the box below. The rest of the values will be filtered out. Clicking on one or more of these results will filter the data on the entire page.
For instance, if you type “Sushi” into the Restaurant Search & Select bar, all Michelin-starred restaurants with names that include the word “Sushi” will appear in the search list space; you can then select those restaurants to filter the data. To clear the selections, click on the faint blue “Clear All” to the right of the search bar.
Restaurant Search & Select Box
You can do the same search and filter function for the name of the Chef or owner of the restaurants.
On the map, hovering over each of the dots will cause a tooltip mini-chart to appear. This mini-chart contains the highlighted restaurant’s name, address, neighborhood/area, and a line graph depicting the number of Michelin Stars the restaurant received in each year’s guide.
Clicking on one of the map’s dots populates the restaurant information in the box on the right, including the selected restaurant’s website url (unless the restaurant has permanently closed, the link should be active).
Page 2
On the 2nd page, there is a stacked bar chart showing the total number of restaurants with each star rating by year as well as a table showing every restaurant and their star ratings over time. Clicking on any segment of the bars in the chart filters the restaurants in the table. This page also has the same filters at the top as those on Page 1.
There are also restaurant website urls hidden in the table hierarchy. These urls are active links (if the restaurants are still open). To drill down to the urls, simply right click on the Name header, then select Expand to next level.
Restaurant url drilldown
To hide the urls again, right click on the Name header again, and select
Restaurant Website url drillup